

Polymorphic Directional Types for Logic Programming

14 years 5 months ago
Polymorphic Directional Types for Logic Programming
In this paper we present a new type system for logic programs. Our system combines ideas of the classical polymorphic, but not very precise, system due to Mycroft and O'Keefe [16], and the complementary system of directional types that has been proposed by Aiken and Lakshman [1]. Our main technical inventions are a new method of deriving more specic types from a given type, which we call pruning, and the notion of the main type from which, using a combination of substitution, subtyping and pruning all types of a predicate can be obtained. We describe a type checking algorithm, and a type reconstruction algorithm which for a given program and a predicate nds its main type. A complexity analysis of these algorithms is provided. In spite of large theoretical complexity bounds these algorithms work quite fast in practice.
Pawel Rychlikowski, Tomasz Truderung
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where PPDP
Authors Pawel Rychlikowski, Tomasz Truderung
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