

Polytope kernel density estimates on Delaunay graphs

13 years 6 months ago
Polytope kernel density estimates on Delaunay graphs
We present a polytope-kernel density estimation (PKDE) methodology that allows us to perform exact mean-shift updates along the edges of the Delaunay graph of the data. We discuss explicit and implicit constructions of such a PKDE, where in the implicit construction one can exploit a smoother kernel such as the standard isotropic Gaussian. The resulting density estimate allows us to perform mean-shift clustering in a computationally efficient manner (similar to mediod shift), but in a manner that is exact and consistent with the underlying density assumption. The procedure also yields a hierarchical connectivity structure, a tree, that spans the dataset. We demonstrate how this tree, combined with density-weighted geodesic distance calculations between modal samples can be used to select number of clusters as well as a distance preserving dimension reduction technique.
Erhan Bas, Deniz Erdogmus
Added 21 Aug 2011
Updated 21 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Erhan Bas, Deniz Erdogmus
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