

Postsynaptic modulation of electrical EPSP size investigated using a compartmental model

14 years 3 months ago
Postsynaptic modulation of electrical EPSP size investigated using a compartmental model
The mormyrid electric …sh displays extremely …ne temporal resolution as measured in behavioral studies. The …rst stage of sensory processing, the sensory a¤erents, also display very precise temporal responses to electrical stimulation. The a¤erents are connected through gap junctions to the granular cells, which in addition receive a corollary discharge signal at the time of the electric pulse. The granular cells have a relatively long time constant, seemingly at odds with their presumed role as coincidence detectors. We use experimental data to build a compartmental model that investigates the mechanism by which the relative timing of the two inputs to the granular cells determines the e¤ect of the a¤erent spike through the electrical synapse.
Ovidiu D. Iancu, Jianmei Zhang, Patrick D. Roberts
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where IJON
Authors Ovidiu D. Iancu, Jianmei Zhang, Patrick D. Roberts, Curtis C. Bell
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