

Probabilistic Model Checking of Biological Systems with Uncertain Kinetic Rates

14 years 9 months ago
Probabilistic Model Checking of Biological Systems with Uncertain Kinetic Rates
We present an abstraction of the probabilistic semantics of Multiset Rewriting to formally express systems of reactions with uncertain kinetic rates. This allows biological systems modelling when the exact rates are not known, but are supposed to lie in some intervals. (abstract) models we perform probabilistic model checking obtaining lower and upper bounds for the probabilities of reaching states satisfying given properties. These bounds are under- and overapproximations, respectively, of the probabilities one would obtain by verifying the models with exact kinetic rates belonging to the intervals. Key words: probabilistic model checking, systems biology, uncertain rates, abstract interpretation, interval Markov chains.
Roberto Barbuti, Francesca Levi, Paolo Milazzo, Gu
Added 27 May 2010
Updated 27 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where RP
Authors Roberto Barbuti, Francesca Levi, Paolo Milazzo, Guido Scatena
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