

A Process Oriented Approach to USB Driver Development

14 years 4 months ago
A Process Oriented Approach to USB Driver Development
Abstract. Operating-systems are the core software component of many modern computer systems, ranging from small specialised embedded systems through to large distributed operating-systems. The demands placed upon these systems are increasingly complex, in particular the need to handle concurrency: to exploit increasingly parallel (multi-core) hardware; support increasing numbers of user and system processes; and to take advantage of increasingly distributed and decentralised systems. The languages and designs that existing operating-systems employ provide little support for concurrency, leading to unmanageable programming complexities and ultimately errors in the resulting systems; hard to detect, hard to remove, and almost impossible to prove correct. Implemented in occam-π, a CSP derived language that provides guarantees of freedom from race-hazards and aliasing error, the RMoX operating-system represents a novel approach to operating-systems, utilising concurrency at all levels to ...
Carl G. Ritson, Fred R. M. Barnes
Added 07 Nov 2010
Updated 07 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Carl G. Ritson, Fred R. M. Barnes
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