

Recognizing talking faces from acoustic Doppler reflections

14 years 5 months ago
Recognizing talking faces from acoustic Doppler reflections
Face recognition algorithms typically deal with the classification of static images of faces that are obtained using a camera. In this paper we propose a new sensing mechanism based on the Doppler effect to capture the patterns of motion of talking faces. We incident an ultrasonic tone on subjects' faces and capture the reflected signal. When the subject talks, different parts of their face move with different velocities in a characteristic manner. Each of these velocities imparts a different Doppler shift to the reflected ultrasonic signal. Thus, the set of frequencies in the reflected ultrasonic signal is characteristic of the subject. We show that even using a simple feature computation scheme to characterize the spectrum of the reflected signal, and a simple GMM based Bayesian classifier, we are able to recognize talkers with an accuracy of over 90%. Interestingly, we are also able to identify the gender of the talker with an accuracy of over 90%. IEEE International Conferenc...
Kaustubh Kalgaonkar, Bhiksha Raj
Added 19 Oct 2010
Updated 19 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where FGR
Authors Kaustubh Kalgaonkar, Bhiksha Raj
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