

Reconciling Compressive Sampling Systems for Spectrally-sparse Continuous-time Signals

13 years 9 months ago
Reconciling Compressive Sampling Systems for Spectrally-sparse Continuous-time Signals
The Random Demodulator (RD) and the Modulated Wideband Converter (MWC) are two recently proposed compressed sensing (CS) techniques for the acquisition of continuous-time spectrally-sparse signals. They extend the standard CS paradigm from sampling discrete, finite dimensional signals to sampling continuous and possibly infinite dimensional ones, and thus establish the ability to capture these signals at sub-Nyquist sampling rates. The RD and the MWC have remarkably similar structures (similar block diagrams), but their reconstruction algorithms and signal models strongly differ. To date, few results exist that compare these systems, and owing to the potential impacts they could have on spectral estimation in applications like electromagnetic scanning and cognitive radio, we more fully investigate their relationship in this paper. Specifically, we show that the RD and the MWC are both based on the general concept of random filtering, but that the sampling functions characterising ...
Michael A. Lexa, Mike E. Davies, John S. Thompson
Added 16 May 2011
Updated 16 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where CORR
Authors Michael A. Lexa, Mike E. Davies, John S. Thompson
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