

Representing and Reasoning with Temporal Constraints in Clinical Trials Using Semantic Technologies

14 years 4 months ago
Representing and Reasoning with Temporal Constraints in Clinical Trials Using Semantic Technologies
Clinical trial protocols include schedule of clinical trial activities such as clinical tests, procedures, and medications. The schedule specifies temporal constraints on the sequence of these activities, on their start times and duration, and on their potential repetitions. There is an enormous requirement to conform to the constraints found in the protocols during the conduct of the clinical trials. In this paper, we present our approach to formally represent temporal constraints found in clinical trials, and to facilitate reasoning with the constraints. We have identified a representative set of temporal constraints found in clinical trials in the immune tolerance area, and have developed a temporal constraint ontology that allows us to formulate the temporal constraints to the extent required to support clinical trials management. We use the ontology to specify temporal annotation on clinical activities in an encoded clinical trial protocol. We have developed a temporal model to en...
Ravi D. Shankar, Susana B. Martins, Martin J. O'Co
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Ravi D. Shankar, Susana B. Martins, Martin J. O'Connor, David B. Parrish, Amar K. Das
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