

Robust Tracking Using Local Sparse Appearance Model and K-Selection

13 years 6 months ago
Robust Tracking Using Local Sparse Appearance Model and K-Selection
Online learned tracking is widely used for it’s adaptive ability to handle appearance changes. However, it introduces potential drifting problems due to the accumulation of errors during the self-updating, especially for the occluded scenarios. The recent literature demonstrates that appropriate combinations of trackers can help balance stability and flexibility requirements. We have developed a robust tracking algorithm using a local sparse appearance model (SPT). A static sparse dictionary and a dynamically online updated basis distribution model the target appearance. A novel sparse representation-based voting map and sparse constraint regularized mean-shift support the robust object tracking. Besides these contributions, we also introduce a new dictionary learning algorithm with a locally constrained sparse representation, called K-Selection. Based on a set of comprehensive experiments, our algorithm has demonstrated better performance than alternatives reported in the recent l...
Baiyang Liu, junzhou Huang, Casimir Kulikowski, Li
Added 20 Aug 2011
Updated 20 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where CVPR
Authors Baiyang Liu, junzhou Huang, Casimir Kulikowski, Lin Yang
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