

SAGE: A Logical Agent-Based Environment Monitoring and Control System

14 years 9 months ago
SAGE: A Logical Agent-Based Environment Monitoring and Control System
Abstract. We propose SAGE, an agent-based environment monitoring and control system based on computation logic. SAGE uses forward chaining deductive inference to map low level sensor data to high level events, multi-agent abductive reasoning to provide possible explanations for these events, and teleo-reactive programming to react to these explanations, e.g. to gather extra information to check abduced hypotheses. The system is embedded in a publish/subscribe architecture. Key words: Environmental Control, Logic, Event Calculus, Logic Programming, Abduction, Multi-Agent Reasoning, Teleo-Reactive Programs
Krysia Broda, Keith Clark, Rob Miller 0002, Alessa
Added 25 May 2010
Updated 25 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where AMI
Authors Krysia Broda, Keith Clark, Rob Miller 0002, Alessandra Russo
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