

Shape Transformation Using Variational Implicit Functions

14 years 7 months ago
Shape Transformation Using Variational Implicit Functions
Traditionally, shape transformation using implicit functions is performed in two distinct steps: 1) creating two implicit functions, and 2) interpolating between these two functions. We present a new shape transformation method that combines these two tasks into a single step. We create a transformation between two Ndimensional objects by casting this as a scattered data interpolation problem in N +1 dimensions. For the case of 2D shapes, we place all of our data constraints within two planes, one for each shape. These planes are placed parallel to one another in 3D. Zero-valued constraints specify the locations of shape boundaries and positivevalued constraints are placed along the normal direction in towards the center of the shape. We then invoke a variational interpolation technique (the 3D generalization of thin-plate interpolation), and this yields a single implicit function in 3D. Intermediate shapes are simply the zero-valued contours of 2D slices through this 3D function. Sha...
Greg Turk, James F. O'Brien
Added 03 Aug 2010
Updated 03 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Authors Greg Turk, James F. O'Brien
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