

Talker-to-listener distance effects on the variations of the intensity and the fundamental frequency of speech

13 years 6 months ago
Talker-to-listener distance effects on the variations of the intensity and the fundamental frequency of speech
In this study we focus on the relationship between the talker-tolistener distance (TLD) and the dynamics of speech intensity and fundamental frequency. A new experiment for the extraction of pertinent information from prosodic parameter variations for different TLDs is described. The proposed new recording protocol allows simulating a real TLD by using acoustically insulated rooms. We propose to measure the dynamics of f0 and intensity by using the variation between the minima and the maxima of their contours and the initial/final slopes of f0. The results show a strong correlation between these parameters and the TLD.
Thibaut Fux, Gang Feng, Veronique Zimpfer
Added 20 Aug 2011
Updated 20 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Thibaut Fux, Gang Feng, Veronique Zimpfer
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