

Temperature-Induced Domain Shrinking in Ising Ferromagnets Frustrated by a Long-Range Interaction

14 years 1 months ago
Temperature-Induced Domain Shrinking in Ising Ferromagnets Frustrated by a Long-Range Interaction
Abstract. We investigate a spin model in which a ferromagnetic shortrange interaction competes with a long-range antiferromagnetic interaction decaying spatially as 1 rd+ , d being the dimensionality of the lattice. For smaller than a certain threshold ^ (with ^ > 1), the long-range interaction is able to prevent global phase separation, the uniformly magnetized state favored by the exchange interaction for spin systems. The ground state then consists of a mono-dimensional modulation of the order parameter resulting in a superlattice of domains with positive and negative magnetization. We find that the period of modulation shrinks with increasing temperature T and suggest that this is a universal property of the considered model. For d = 2 and = 1 (dipolar interaction) Mean-Field (MF) calculations find a striking agreement with experiments performed on atomically-thin Fe/Cu(001) films. Monte Carlo (MC) results for d = 1 also support the generality of our arguments beyond the MF ap...
Alessandro Vindigni, Oliver Portmann, Niculin Sara
Added 16 Feb 2011
Updated 16 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Authors Alessandro Vindigni, Oliver Portmann, Niculin Saratz, Fabio Cinti, Paolo Politi, Danilo Pescia
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