

Test Case Generation by OCL Mutation and Constraint Solving

14 years 9 months ago
Test Case Generation by OCL Mutation and Constraint Solving
Fault-based testing is a technique where testers anticipate errors in a system under test in order to assess or generate test cases. The idea is to have enough test cases capable of detecting these anticipated errors. This paper presents a method of fault-based test case generation for pre- and postcondition specifications. Here, errors are anticipated on the specification level by mutating the pre- and postconditions. We present the underlying theory by giving test cases a formal semantics and translate this general testing theory to a constraint satisfaction problem. A prototype test case generator serves to demonstrate the automatization of the method. The current tool works with OCL specifications, but the theory and method are general and apply to many state-based specification languages.
Bernhard K. Aichernig, Percy Antonio Pari Salas
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where QSIC
Authors Bernhard K. Aichernig, Percy Antonio Pari Salas
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