

TLSF: A New Dynamic Memory Allocator for Real-Time Systems

14 years 6 months ago
TLSF: A New Dynamic Memory Allocator for Real-Time Systems
Dynamic storage allocation (DSA) algorithms play an important role in the modern software engineering paradigms and techniques (such as object oriented programming). Using DSA increases the flexibility and functionalities of applications. There exists a large number of references to this particular issue in the literature. However, the use of DSA has been considered a source of indeterminism in the real-time domain, due to the unconstrained response time of DSA algorithms and the fragmentation problem. Nowadays, new real-time applications require more flexibility: the ability to adjust system configuration in response to workload changes and application reconfiguration. This aspect adds new value to the definition and implementation of dynamic storage allocation algorithms. Considering these reasons, new DSA algorithms with a bounded and acceptable timing behaviour must be developed to be used by Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOSs). In this paper a new DSA algorithm called Two-Level S...
Miguel Masmano, Ismael Ripoll, Alfons Crespo, Jorg
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Miguel Masmano, Ismael Ripoll, Alfons Crespo, Jorge Real
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