

Toward Optimal Data Aggregation in Random Wireless Sensor Networks

14 years 9 months ago
Toward Optimal Data Aggregation in Random Wireless Sensor Networks
Abstract— Data gathering is one of the most important services provided by wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Since the predominant traffic pattern in data gathering services is manyto-one communication, it is critical to understand the limitations of many-to-one information flows and devise efficient data aggregation protocols to support prolonged operations in WSNs. In this paper, we provide a theoretical characterization of data aggregation processes under different communication modalities in WSNs. We demonstrate that data aggregation rates of Θ(log(n)/n) and Θ(1/n) are optimal when operating in fading environments with power path-loss exponents that satisfy 2 < α < 4 and α > 4, respectively. Furthermore, the optimal rate can be achieved using a generalization of cooperative beam-forming called cooperative time-reversal communication. In contrast, the non-cooperative multihop relay strategies widely adopted in literature are shown to be suboptimal in the low-tomediu...
Rong Zheng, Richard J. Barton
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Rong Zheng, Richard J. Barton
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