

Transacting with citizens: Australian government policy strategy and implementation of online tax lodgement

14 years 4 months ago
Transacting with citizens: Australian government policy strategy and implementation of online tax lodgement
Many governments have shown leadership in encouraging their citizenry to conduct transactions on-line. The policies that underpin these initiatives refer to a blend of civic benefits and efficiency goals. They combine the rhetoric of customer service with social shaping through ‘government as model user’ and procedures that require online activities. Many initiatives are described as ‘electronic service delivery’, terms that indicate an intention to provide much more than an additional channel for government interaction with citizens. Australia, as an innovator in eGovernment is a good example of this approach and its national government has specified policy goals for its online strategy. In this paper we examine the case of one Australian online delivery initiative, electronic tax lodgement (e-tax) and consider how well that initiative has met the policy goals of the government. Combining insights from Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation theory and political analysis, we outlin...
Jeff Chamberlain, Tanya Castleman
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ECIS
Authors Jeff Chamberlain, Tanya Castleman
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