

Truthful prioritization schemes for spectrum sharing

12 years 4 months ago
Truthful prioritization schemes for spectrum sharing
Abstract—As the rapid expansion of smart phones and associated data-intensive applications continues, we expect to see renewed interest in dynamic prioritization schemes as a way to increase the total utility of a heterogeneous user base, with each user experiencing variable demand and value for access. We adapt a recent sampled-based mechanism for resource allocation to this setting, which is more effective in aligning incentives in a setting with variable demand than an earlier method for pricing network resources due to Varian and Mackie-Mason (1994). Complementing our theoretical analysis, which also considers incentives on the sell-side of the market, we present the results of a simulation study, confirming the effectiveness of our protocol in aligning incentives and boosting welfare.
Victor Shnayder, Jeremy Hoon, David C. Parkes, Vik
Added 28 Sep 2012
Updated 28 Sep 2012
Type Journal
Year 2012
Authors Victor Shnayder, Jeremy Hoon, David C. Parkes, Vikas Kawadia
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