

Foundations of Constraint Satisfaction

16 years 1 months ago
Foundations of Constraint Satisfaction
"Constraint satisfaction is a general problem in which the goal is to find values for a set of variables that will satisfy a given set of constraints. It is the core of many applications in artificial intelligence, and has found its application in many areas, such as planning and scheduling. Because of its generality, most AI researchers should be able to benefit from having good knowledge of techniques in this field. Published in 1993, this book was the first attempt to define the field of constraint satisfaction. It covers both the theoretical and the implementation aspects of the subject. It provides a framework for studying this field, relates different research, and resolves ambiguity in a number of concepts and algorithms in the literature." The book covers the following topics: CSP solving, Fundamental concepts in the CSP, Problem reduction, Basic search strategies for solving CSPs, Search orders in CSPs, Exploitation of problem-specific features Stochastic search ...
Edward Tsang
Added 06 Feb 2009
Updated 06 Feb 2009
Authors Edward Tsang
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