

Information Modeling

15 years 10 months ago
Information Modeling
A classic book about information modeling.
David Edmond
Added 17 Feb 2009
Updated 17 Feb 2009
Authors David Edmond

Table of Content

Specific facts (relations and functions in Z)
  1. Introduction (brief intro to Z and to SQL)
  2. Sets (set extension, comprehension, power sets, product sets)
  3. Relations (database relations - Z style)
  4. Introducing SQL
  5. SQL retrieval (select from where)
  6. SQL modularization (group by, views)
  7. Facts and relations (conceptual schema modelling)
  8. Uncovering facts (brief methodology)
  9. Fact-based analysis (case-study)
  10. Entity-relationship modeling
  11. Knowledge (predicate calculus, quantification)
  12. The knowledge base (intro to schemas in Z)
  13. From specification to implementation (specifying in Z, implementing in SQL)
  14. Database definition in SQL (create table, index, view)
  15. Database manipulation in SQL (insert, update, delete)
  16. Application programming
  17. Case studies
  18. Refinement
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