

JavaScript Essentials

15 years 7 months ago
JavaScript Essentials
"Before JavaScript was created, a typical web browsing experience consisted largely of displaying static pages of information. Any type of user interaction with a web page usually involved the browser sending information back to the web server where some type of server based script or other program would validate the user's data input. The server would then send back either a static error page if the user had entered invalid data or, assuming successful validation, return a static page to the web browser containing the results of the transaction. In addition, the lack of a mechanism to implement dynamic web page content and behavior dictated that an entirely new web page be loaded in order to display new information. This book is designed to provide a detailed and comprehensive, yet easy to follow, guide to developing powerful, dynamic web pages using JavaScript. It could be said that the object of JavaScript Essentials is to provide you with everything you need to use Jav...
Added 17 Apr 2009
Updated 17 Apr 2009
The History of JavaScript
Jim and Marc Meet in Palo Alto
Moving on from Static Web Pages
LiveScript, JavaScript, JScript, ECMAScript - What's in a Name?
A Simple JavaScript Example
Embedding JavaScript into Web pages
The <script> element
Where to place JavaScript in a Web Page
Introducing JavaScript Variables
Variable Declaration and the Assignment Operator
JavaScript Variable Naming Conventions
JavaScript Variable Types
The JavaScript typeof Operator
JavaScript Operators
Assignment Operators
Arithmetic Operators
Unary Operators - Incrementing and Decrementing Variable Values
Comparison Operators
String Operators
Conditional Operators
Logical Operators
Comments in JavaScript
Single Line Comments
Multi-line Comments
JavaScript Flow Control and Looping
JavaScript Conditional Statements
The JavaScript if Statement
The JavaScript if ... else Statements
JavaScript Looping Statements
JavaScript for loops
JavaScript while loops
JavaScript do ... while loops
JavaScript switch Statements
Breaking a Loop
label Statements
Skipping Statements in Current Loop Iteration
Understanding JavaScript Functions
Declaring and Calling a JavaScript Function
Passing Arguments to a Function
Returning a Value from a Function
Where to Place Function Declarations
JavaScript Object Basics
Creating a Custom JavaScript Object
Creating and Using Object Instances
Extending JavaScript Objects
JavaScript String Object
Creating a JavaScript String Object
JavaScript String Object Methods
JavaScript String Object Properties
JavaScript String Object Examples
Getting the length of a String Object
Setting String Object text Effects
Performing Conversions on String Objects
Manipulating Strings with the String Object
JavaScript Date Object
Understanding System Time
Creating a JavaScript Date Object
Setting the Time and Date of the JavaScript Date Object
Reading the Date and Time from a JavaScript Date Object
UTC Time
Finding the Time Zone Offset and Getting Local Time
JavaScript Math Object
JavaScript Math Object Methods
JavaScript Math Object Properties
Using JavaScript Math Object and Properties
Rounding and Truncating Numbers with the the Math Object
JavaScript Window Object
Referencing the JavaScript window Object
JavaScript window Object Properties
Opening Browser Windows using JavaScript
Closing Browser Windows using JavaScript
Moving and Resizing Windows
Changing Window Focus
Displaying Message Box Dialogs
JavaScript Document Object
What is the JavaScript Document Object?
JavaScript Document Object Methods and Properties
Using the JavaScript Document Object
Writing text to a document
Writing Text to a document in a different Window
Changing the Document Title
Changing the Document Colors
Getting a List of Objects in a Document
JavaScript Location Object
Loading a New URL into the Current Window
Reading the URL of the Current Window
Extracting Parts of the URL
JavaScript Location Object Methods
JavaScript History Object
JavaScript Arrays
What is a JavaScript Array
How to Create a JavaScript Array
Initializing the Elements of an Array
Accessing the Elements of a JavaScript Array
JavaScript Array Object Methods and Properties
JavaScript Array Sorting
JavaScript Timeouts
Setting up a JavaScript Timeout
Cancelling a JavaScript Timeout
Setting up JavaScript Timeout to Repeat
Building Forms with JavaScript
The JavaScript Form Object
Accessing Objects in a Form
The JavaScript Text Object
JavaScript TextArea Object
The JavaScript Button Object
JavaScript Check Boxes
JavaScript Radio Buttons
JavaScript Drop-down / Select Object
Obtaining the Current Selection from the JavaScript Select Object
JavaScript Password Object
Understanding JavaScript Cookies
What is a JavaScript Cookie?
The Structure of a Cookie
Cookie Name / Value Pair
Cookie Expiration Setting
Cookie path Setting
Cookie domain Setting
Creating a Cookie
Reading a Cookie
Removing a Cookie
Understanding Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
What are Cascading Style Sheets for?
Embedding CSS Styles into a Web Page
Importing an External Style Sheet into a Web Page
Creating CSS Rules
Setting Styles for Individual Elements
Setting Styles using the id Attribute of an HTML Element
Using Classes with CSS Rules
JavaScript and CSS - Dynamic Styles and Layers
Making Basic Dynamic Style Changes
Hiding and Showing Content Using JavaScript
Using Overlaying Layers
Making Layers Move 
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