

2D Visualisation of SMFS Data on Membrane Proteins

14 years 9 months ago
2D Visualisation of SMFS Data on Membrane Proteins
Misfolding of membrane proteins plays an important role in many human diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa, heredity deafness and diabetes insipidus. Single molecule force spectroscopy is a novel technique which measures the force necessary to pull a protein out of a membrane. Such force distance curves contain valuable information on the proteins structure. High-throughput force spectroscopy experiments generate hundreds of curves. These curves are then evaluated and aligned to generate a two-dimensional plot of unfolding patterns representing the distribution of force and contour length through a Gaussian distribution.
Annalisa Marsico, Kerstin Vanselow, Jing Wang, Dir
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ER
Authors Annalisa Marsico, Kerstin Vanselow, Jing Wang, Dirk Labudde
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