

2Fast : Collaborative Downloads in P2P Networks

14 years 6 months ago
2Fast : Collaborative Downloads in P2P Networks
P2P systems that rely on the voluntary contribution of bandwidth by the individual peers may suffer from freeriding. To address this problem, mechanisms enforcing fairness in bandwidth sharing have been designed, usually by limiting the download bandwidth to the available upload bandwidth. As in real environments the latter is much smaller than the former, these mechanisms severely affect the download performance of most peers. In this paper we propose a system called 2Fast, which solves this problem while preserving the fairness of bandwidth sharing. In 2Fast, we form groups of peers that collaborate in downloading a file on behalf of a single group member, which can thus use its full download bandwidth. A peer in our system can use its currently idle bandwidth to help other peers in their ongoing downloads, and get in return help during its own downloads. We assess the performance of 2Fast analytically and experimentally, the latter in both real and simulated environments. We find...
Pawel Garbacki, Alexandru Iosup, Dick H. J. Epema,
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where P2P
Authors Pawel Garbacki, Alexandru Iosup, Dick H. J. Epema, Maarten van Steen
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