

3-D Metric Reconstruction and Registration of Images of Near-planar Surfaces

14 years 6 months ago
3-D Metric Reconstruction and Registration of Images of Near-planar Surfaces
In this study, we address the problem of 3-D dense metric reconstruction and registration from multiple images, given that the observed surface is nearly planar. This is difficult, as classical methods work well only if the scene is truly planar (mosaicing) or the scene has certain significant depth variations (classical Structure-fromMotion (SfM)). One domain in which this problem occurs is image analysis of the retinal fundus. Our approach is to first assume planarity, and perform 2-D global registration. A first bundle adjustment is applied to find the camera positions in metric space. We then select two images and compute the epipolar geometry between them using plane+parallax approach. These images are matched to generate a dense disparity map using mutual information. A second bundle adjustment is applied to transform the disparity map into a dense metric depth map, fixing the 2 camera positions. A third bundle adjustment is performed to refine both camera positions and a 3-D st...
Tae Eun Choe, Gérard G. Medioni
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICCV
Authors Tae Eun Choe, Gérard G. Medioni
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