

3-Valued Circuit SAT for STE with Automatic Refinement

14 years 4 months ago
3-Valued Circuit SAT for STE with Automatic Refinement
Abstract. Symbolic Trajectory Evaluation (STE) is a powerful technique for hardware model checking. It is based on a 3-valued symbolic simulation, using 0,1 and X n"), where the X is used to abstract away values of the circuit nodes. Most STE tools are BDD-based and use a dual rail representation for the three possible values of circuit nodes. SAT-based STE tools typically use two variables for each circuit node, to comply with the dual rail representation. In this work we present a novel 3-valued Circuit SAT-based algorithm for STE. The STE problem is translated into a Circuit SAT instance. A solution for this instance implies a contradiction between the circuit and the STE assertion. An unSAT instance either that the assertion holds, or that the model is too abstract to be verified. of a too abstract model, we propose a refinement automatically. We implemented our 3-Valued Circuit SAT-based STE algorithm and applied it successfully to several STE examples.
Orna Grumberg, Assaf Schuster, Avi Yadgar
Added 12 Aug 2010
Updated 12 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ATVA
Authors Orna Grumberg, Assaf Schuster, Avi Yadgar
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