

3D Navigation for 3D-GIS - Initial Requirements

14 years 6 months ago
3D Navigation for 3D-GIS - Initial Requirements
The needs for three-dimensional (3D) visualization and navigation within 3D-GIS environment are growing and expanding rapidly in a variety of fields. In a steady shift from traditional two-dimensional (2D) GIS toward 3D-GIS, a great amount of accurate 3D data sets (e.g. city models) have become necessary to be produced in a short period of time and provided widely on the market. This requires a number of specific issues to be investigated, e.g. 3D routing accuracy, appropriate means to visualize 3D spatial analysis, tools to effortlessly explore and navigate through large models in real time, with the correct texture and geometry. There had been a lot of study on 3D landscapes, urban and city models. The rapid advancement in science and technology had opened wide options for a change and development of current methods and concepts. Virtual Reality (VR) is one of those developments, which gives the sense of feel in virtual environment. It enables users to visualize, make query and expl...
Ivin Amri Musliman, Alias Abdul-Rahman, Volker Coo
Added 13 Jun 2010
Updated 13 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where 3DGIS
Authors Ivin Amri Musliman, Alias Abdul-Rahman, Volker Coors
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