

Abduction and the Dualization Problem

14 years 7 months ago
Abduction and the Dualization Problem
Computing abductive explanations is an important problem, which has been studied extensively in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and related disciplines. While computing some abductive explanation for a literal χ with respect to a set of abducibles A from a Horn propositional theory Σ is intractable under the traditional representation of Σ by a set of Horn clauses, the problem is polynomial under model-based theory representation, where Σ is represented by its characteristic models. Furthermore, computing all the (possibly exponentially) many explanations is polynomial-time equivalent to the problem of dualizing a positive CNF, which is a well-known problem whose precise complexity in terms of the theory of NP-completeness is not known yet. In this paper, we first review the monotone dualization problem and its connection to computing all abductive explanations for a query literal and some related problems in knowledge discovery. We then investigate possible generalizations of this ...
Thomas Eiter, Kazuhisa Makino
Added 06 Jul 2010
Updated 06 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where DIS
Authors Thomas Eiter, Kazuhisa Makino
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