
ACL Anthology

Abductive Explanation of Dialogue Misunderstandings

14 years 1 months ago
Abductive Explanation of Dialogue Misunderstandings
To respond to an utterance, a listener must interpret what others have said and why they have said it. Misunderstandings occur when agents differ in their beliefs about what has been said or why. Our work combines intentional and social accounts of discourse, unifying theories of speech act production, interpretation, and the repair of misunderstandings. A unified theory has been developed by characterizing the generation of utterances as default reasoning and using abduction to characterize interpretation and repair.
Susan McRoy, Graeme Hirst
Added 02 Nov 2010
Updated 02 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1993
Where EACL
Authors Susan McRoy, Graeme Hirst
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