

Abductive Synthesis of the Mediator Scenario with jABC and GEM

14 years 2 months ago
Abductive Synthesis of the Mediator Scenario with jABC and GEM
We reuse here the framework, the setting, and the semantic modelling for the automated synthesis of the SWS Challenge Mediator presented in the companion paper [5], and show how to exchange the synthesis paradigm from a linear-time-logic proof based algorithm to a runtime, abductive synthesis implemented in Prolog, that responds directly to situational changes. Both solutions take advantage of a policy-oriented enterprise management approach. 1 Motivation The Semantic Web Service Challenge Mediation Scenario has been solved in [5] by synthesis of its business logic within jABC [1]. There, we use semantic annotations for data and services expressed via type and activity taxonomies, and we derive automatically several versions of the business logic by means of a proof algorithm for the (semantic) linear time logic SLTL. We showed thus that, given high-level, declarative e about the goals to be achieved by the mediator, and abstract information on the available services, their purpose, an...
Christian Kubczak, Tiziana Margaria, Matthias Kais
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where EON
Authors Christian Kubczak, Tiziana Margaria, Matthias Kaiser, Jens Lemcke, Bjoern Knuth
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