

Abnormality Detection in Automated Mass Screening System of Diabetic Retinopathy

14 years 4 months ago
Abnormality Detection in Automated Mass Screening System of Diabetic Retinopathy
An approach of abnormality detection from color jiindirs images for automated mass screening system is proposed in this paper, which uses the object-based color difference image. Four color models, i.e. RGB, Luv, Lab and HVC are evaluated based on the hand labeledfeature maps, and Luv and Lab are selectedfor computing color difference because of their good performance of object classification. The object-based color dflerence image of bright objects. e.g. exudates and drusen and dark objecis. e.g. hemorrhages and blood vessel are obtained respectively according to the 2 0 histogram distribution on L-Uplane, and then . watershed transform isperJbrmed on the color difference image to extract object candidates. A pre-thresholding and a post-verification procedure are performed to deal with the oversegmentation problem of watershed transjorm Keywords- fundus image, diabetic retinopathy, abnormality detection, color difference. watershed.
Gang Luo, Opas Chutatape, Huiqi Li, Shankar M. Kri
Added 23 Aug 2010
Updated 23 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where CBMS
Authors Gang Luo, Opas Chutatape, Huiqi Li, Shankar M. Krishnan
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