

ABS: Adaptive Borders Search of frequent itemsets

14 years 4 months ago
ABS: Adaptive Borders Search of frequent itemsets
In this paper, we present an ongoing work to discover maximal frequent itemsets in a transactional database. We propose an algorithm called ABS for Adaptive Borders Search, which is in the spirit of algorithms based on the of dualization. From an abstract point of view, our contribution can be seen as an improvement of the basic APRIORI algorithm for mining maximal frequent itemsets. The key point is to decide dynamically at which iteration, if any, the dualization has to be made to avoid the enumeration of all subsets of large maximal itemsets. Once the first dualization has been done from the current negative border, APRIORI is no longer used and instead, another dualization is carried out from the positive border known so far. The process is repeated until no change occurs anymore in the positive border in construction. Experiments have been done on FIMI datasets from which tradeoffs on adaptive behavior have been proposed to guess the best iteration for the first dualization. Far ...
Frédéric Flouvat, Fabien De Marchi,
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where FIMI
Authors Frédéric Flouvat, Fabien De Marchi, Jean-Marc Petit
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