

AC-Framework for Privacy-Preserving Collaboration

14 years 4 months ago
AC-Framework for Privacy-Preserving Collaboration
The secure multi-party computation (SMC) model provides means for balancing the use and confidentiality of distributed data. Increasing security concerns have led to a surge in work on practical secure multi-party computation protocols. However, most are only proven secure under the semihonest model, and security under this adversary model is insufficient for most applications in the field of privacypreserving data mining. In this paper, we present the full spectrum of the accountable computing (AC) framework, which is sufficient or practical for many applications without the complexity and cost of an SMC-protocol under the malicious model. Furthermore, to show the applicability of the AC-framework, we present an application under this framework regarding privacy-preserving mining frequent itemsets.
Wei Jiang, Chris Clifton
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where SDM
Authors Wei Jiang, Chris Clifton
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