

Access Policy Sheet for Access Control in Fine-Grained XML

14 years 8 months ago
Access Policy Sheet for Access Control in Fine-Grained XML
Abstract. We propose an access control scheme for developing authorization rules for XML documents, allowing flexible data granularity and authorization propagation. To simplify the complex access control policies in XML, we introduce a new tool: Authorization Policy Sheet (APS). Complex access control rules can be easily described in an APS. The administrator of a system can easily manage the access control of the system. With aid of Data Type Definitions(DTD), the policies given in an APS can be converted into a standard XML code that can be implemented in a normal XML environment.
Jing Wu, Yi Mu, Jennifer Seberry, Chun Ruan
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where EUC
Authors Jing Wu, Yi Mu, Jennifer Seberry, Chun Ruan
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