

Accessibility commons: a metadata infrastructure for web accessibility

14 years 2 months ago
Accessibility commons: a metadata infrastructure for web accessibility
Research projects, assistive technology, and individuals all create metadata in order to improve Web accessibility for visually impaired users. However, since these projects are disconnected from one another, this metadata is isolated in separate tools, stored in disparate repositories, and represented in incompatible formats. Web accessibility could be greatly improved if these individual contributions were merged. An integration method will serve as the bridge between future academic research projects and end users, enabling new technologies to reach end users more quickly. Therefore we introduce Accessibility Commons, a common infrastructure to integrate, store, and share metadata designed to improve Web accessibility. We explore existing tools to show how the metadata that they produce could be integrated into this common infrastructure, we present the design decisions made in order to help ensure that our common repository will remain relevant in the future as new metadata is dev...
Shinya Kawanaka, Yevgen Borodin, Jeffrey P. Bigham
Added 12 Oct 2010
Updated 12 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Shinya Kawanaka, Yevgen Borodin, Jeffrey P. Bigham, Darren Lunn, Hironobu Takagi, Chieko Asakawa
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