

Accountability in hosted virtual networks

14 years 7 months ago
Accountability in hosted virtual networks
Virtualization enables multiple networks, each customized for a particular purpose, to run concurrently over a shared substrate. One such model for managing these virtual networks is to create a hosting platform where companies can deploy services by leasing a portion of several physical routers. While lowering the barrier for innovation in the network, this model introduces new security concerns. In this paper we examine the issue of accountability in this setting of hosted virtual networks. That is, how a service provider can know its software is running without modification and that the infrastructure provider’s physical router is forwarding packets as instructed with the quality of service promised. Rather than presenting a single specification of what every router on the Internet must look like, in this paper we examine two possible approaches: one that detects violations by monitoring the service and one that prevents violations from occurring in the first place. For each, ...
Eric Keller, Ruby B. Lee, Jennifer Rexford
Added 28 May 2010
Updated 28 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Eric Keller, Ruby B. Lee, Jennifer Rexford
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