

Accurate Floating-Point Summation Part II: Sign, K-Fold Faithful and Rounding to Nearest

14 years 23 days ago
Accurate Floating-Point Summation Part II: Sign, K-Fold Faithful and Rounding to Nearest
In this Part II of this paper we first refine the analysis of error-free vector transformations presented in Part I. Based on that we present an algorithm for calculating the rounded-to-nearest result of s := pi for a given vector of floatingpoint numbers pi, as well as algorithms for directed rounding. A special algorithm for computing the sign of s is given, also working for huge dimensions. Assume a floating-point working precision with relative rounding error unit eps. We define and investigate a K-fold faithful rounding of a real number r. Basically the result is stored in a vector Res of K non-overlapping floating-point numbers such that Res approximates r with relative accuracy epsK , and replacing ResK by its floating-point neighbors in Res forms a lower and upper bound for r. For a given vector of floating-point numbers with exact sum s, we present an algorithm for calculating a K-fold faithful rounding of s using solely the working precision. Furthermore, an algorithm for cal...
Siegfried M. Rump, Takeshi Ogita, Shin'ichi Oishi
Added 14 Dec 2010
Updated 14 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Siegfried M. Rump, Takeshi Ogita, Shin'ichi Oishi
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