

Accurate Shadows by Depth Complexity Sampling

14 years 2 months ago
Accurate Shadows by Depth Complexity Sampling
The accurate generation of soft shadows is a particularly computationally intensive task. In order to reduce rendering time, most real-time and offline applications decorrelate the generation of shadows from the computation of lighting. In addition to such approximations, they generate shadows using some restrictive assumptions only correct in very specific cases, leading to penumbra over-estimation or light-leaking artifacts. In this paper we present an algorithm that produces soft shadows without exhibiting the previous drawbacks. Using a new efficient evaluation of the number of occluders between two points (i.e. the depth complexity) we either modulate direct lighting or numerically solve the rendering equation for direct illumination. Our approach approximates shadows cast by semi-opaque occluders and naturally handles area lights with spatially varying luminance. Furthermore, depending on the desired performance and quality, the resulting shadows are either very close to, or as ...
Vincent Forest, Loïc Barthe, Mathias Paulin
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where CGF
Authors Vincent Forest, Loïc Barthe, Mathias Paulin
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