

Accurate Temporal Relationships in Sequences of User Behaviours in Intelligent Environments

14 years 8 days ago
Accurate Temporal Relationships in Sequences of User Behaviours in Intelligent Environments
Intelligent Environments are supposed to act proactively anticipating user's needs and preferences in order to provide effective support. Therefore, learning user's frequent behaviours is essential to provide such personalized services. In that sense, we have developed a system, which learns those frequent behaviours. Due to the complexity of the entire learning system, this paper will focus on discovering accurate temporal relationships to define the relationships between actions of the user.
Asier Aztiria, Juan Carlos Augusto, Rosa Basagoiti
Added 13 Feb 2011
Updated 13 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Asier Aztiria, Juan Carlos Augusto, Rosa Basagoiti, Alberto Izaguirre
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