In mobile devices, the wireless network interface card (WNIC) consumes a significant portion of overall system energy. One way to reduce energy consumed by a device is to transition its WNIC to a lower-power sleep mode when data is not being received or transmitted. This paper develops ACE, an active, client-directed technique to improve energy efficiency during web browsing. ACE actively retrieves buffered packets from an access point based on predictions made through client-side connection tracking. The key novel implementation technique used in ACE is connection rescheduling, which results is a better energy/time tradeoff for interactive applications such as web browsing. We demonstrate the effectiveness of ACE through actual experiments to real Internet servers. Categories and Subject Descriptors: C.2.3 [Computer Communication Networks]: Network Operations—wireless communication General Terms: Measurement, Performance
Haijin Yan, David K. Lowenthal, Kang Li