

Acquisition of General Adaptive Features by Evolution

14 years 7 months ago
Acquisition of General Adaptive Features by Evolution
We investigate the following question. Do populations of evolving agents adapt only to their recent environment or do general adaptive features appear over time? We find statistically significant appearance of general adaptive features in a spatially distributed population of prisoner's dilemma playing agents in a noisy environment. Multiple populations are evolved in an evolutionary algorithm structured as a cellular automaton with states drawn from a rich set of prisoner's dilemma strategies. Populations are sampled early and at the end of a ten-thousand generation simulation. Modern and archaic populations are then placed in competition. We test the hypothesis that competition between an archaic and modern population yields probability p = 0.5 of modern populations out-competing archaic ones. The hypothesis is rejected at a confidence level of 99.5% using a binomial probability model in each of seven variations of our basic experiment. 1 A Question about Evolution The mode...
Dan Ashlock, John E. Mayfield
Added 05 Aug 2010
Updated 05 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where EPS
Authors Dan Ashlock, John E. Mayfield
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