

Active-Contour-Based Image Segmentation Using Machine Learning Techniques

15 years 1 months ago
Active-Contour-Based Image Segmentation Using Machine Learning Techniques
Abstract. We introduce a non-linear shape prior for the deformable model framework that we learn from a set of shape samples using recent manifold learning techniques. We model a category of shapes as a finite dimensional manifold which we approximate using Diffusion maps. Our method computes a Delaunay triangulation of the reduced space, considered as Euclidean, and uses the resulting space partition to identify the closest neighbors of any given shape based on its Nystr?om extension. We derive a non-linear shape prior term designed to attract a shape towards the shape prior manifold at given constant embedding. Results on shapes of ventricle nuclei demonstrate the potential of our method for segmentation tasks.
Patrick Etyngier, Florent Ségonne, Renaud K
Added 14 Nov 2009
Updated 14 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Patrick Etyngier, Florent Ségonne, Renaud Keriven
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