

Activity maps for location-aware computing

14 years 7 months ago
Activity maps for location-aware computing
Location-based context is important for many applications. Previous systems offered only coarse room-level features or used manually specified room regions to determine fine-scale features. We propose a location context mechanism based on activity maps, which define regions of similar context based on observations of 3-D patterns of location and motion in an environment. We describe an algorithm for obtaining activity maps using the spatio-temporal clustering of visual tracking data. We show how the recovered maps correspond to regions for common tasks in the environment and describe their use in some applications.
David Demirdjian, Konrad Tollmar, Kimberle Koile,
Added 16 Jul 2010
Updated 16 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where WACV
Authors David Demirdjian, Konrad Tollmar, Kimberle Koile, Neal Checka, Trevor Darrell
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