

Adaptable Situation-Aware Secure Service-Based (AS3) Systems

14 years 8 months ago
Adaptable Situation-Aware Secure Service-Based (AS3) Systems
Service-based systems have many applications, including collaborative research and development, e-business, health care, environmental control, military applications, and homeland security. Situation-aware service coordination is required for these systems to coordinate distributed activities under changing environment and workload. In this paper, an automated agent synthesis approach for situation-aware service coordination in service-based systems is presented. This approach is based on AS3 logic and calculus, and our declarative model for SAW, which are also presented in this paper. This approach consists of three major steps: (1) analyzing situation-awareness (SAW) requirements using our declarative model for SAW and mapping the model representations to logical specifications in AS3 logic, (2) automated synthesis of AS3 calculus terms that define SAW agents for situation-aware service coordination, and (3) compilation of AS3 calculus terms to execution components on an agent platf...
Stephen S. Yau, Hasan Davulcu, Supratik Mukhopadhy
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Stephen S. Yau, Hasan Davulcu, Supratik Mukhopadhyay, Dazhi Huang, Yisheng Yao
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