

Adaptable Support for Queries and Transformations for the DRAGOS Graph-Database

14 years 4 months ago
Adaptable Support for Queries and Transformations for the DRAGOS Graph-Database
Abstract. The DRAGOS database eases the development of graphbased applications by providing a uniform graph-oriented data storage facility. In this paper, we extend the existing database by a basic Query and Transformation Mechanism, which facilitates the construction of graph transformation systems. Users can therefore access the database by applying structured rules instead of using atomic operations provided before. As result, the development of graph transformation tools is eased by providing a mapping of specific graph languages to the Query and Transformation Language, instead of developing interpreters or code generators. In addition, structured rules offer more optimization potential in the underlying graph storage, which is beneficial for existing graph transformation systems. The presented approach is especially designed for extensibility, so its functionality can be adapted corresponding to the demands of the respective application domain.
Erhard Weinell
Added 18 Oct 2010
Updated 18 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Erhard Weinell
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