

Adaptive and Reflective Middleware for Distributed Real-Time and Embedded Systems

14 years 6 months ago
Adaptive and Reflective Middleware for Distributed Real-Time and Embedded Systems
Software has become strategic to developing effective distributed real-time and embedded (DRE) systems. Next-generation DRE systems, such as total ship computing environments, coordinated unmanned air vehicle systems, and national missile defense, will use many geographically dispersed sensors, provide ondemand situational awareness and actuation capabilities for human operators, and respond flexibly to unanticipated run-time conditions. These DRE systems will also increasingly run unobtrusively and autonomously, shielding operators from unnecessary details, while communicating and responding to mission-critical information at an accelerated operational tempo. In such environments, it’s hard to predict system configurations or workloads in advance. This paper describes the need for adaptive and reflective middleware systems (ARMS) to bridge the gap between application programs and the underlying operating systems and network protocol stacks in order to provide reusable services whos...
Douglas C. Schmidt
Added 28 Jul 2010
Updated 28 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Douglas C. Schmidt
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