

An adaptive dynamic grid-based approach to data distribution management

14 years 9 months ago
An adaptive dynamic grid-based approach to data distribution management
a This paper presents a novel Adaptive Dynamic Gridbased Data Distribution Management (DDM) scheme, which we refer to as ADGB. The main objective of our protocol is to optimize DDM time through matching probability (MP) and federates' performance. A Distribution Rate (DR) along with MP are used as part of the ADGB method to select, throughout the simulation, from different devised advertisement schemes, the best scheme to achieve maximum gain with acceptable network traffic overhead. As opposed to previous protocols, the novelty of our ADGB scheme is its focus on improving overall performance, an important goal for DDM strategy. In this paper, we present our scheme and highlight its performance analysis.
Azzedine Boukerche, YunFeng Gu, Regina Borges de A
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where IPPS
Authors Azzedine Boukerche, YunFeng Gu, Regina Borges de Araujo
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