

Adaptive Geometry Image

14 years 1 months ago
Adaptive Geometry Image
We present a novel postprocessing utility called adaptive geometry image (AGIM) for global parameterization techniques that can embed a 3D surface onto a rectangular1 domain. This utility first converts a single rectangular parameterization into many different tessellations of square geometry images(GIMs) and then efficiently packs these GIMs into an image called AGIM. Therefore, undersampled regions of the input parameterization can be up-sampled accordingly until the local reconstruction error bound is met. The connectivity of AGIM can be quickly computed and dynamically changed at rendering time. AGIM does not have T-vertices, and therefore, no crack is generated between two neighboring GIMs at different tessellations. Experimental results show that AGIM can achieve significant PSNR gain over the input parameterization, AGIM retains the advantages of the original GIM and reduces the reconstruction error present in the original GIM technique. The AGIM is also suitable for global para...
Chih-Yuan Yao, Tong-Yee Lee
Added 29 Dec 2010
Updated 29 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TVCG
Authors Chih-Yuan Yao, Tong-Yee Lee
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