

Adaptive Multi-levels Dictionaries and Singular Value Decomposition Techniques for Autonomic Problem Determination

14 years 8 months ago
Adaptive Multi-levels Dictionaries and Singular Value Decomposition Techniques for Autonomic Problem Determination
An autonomic problem determination system can adapt to changing environments, react to existing or new error condition and predict possible problems. In this report, we propose such a system using dynamic and adaptive multi-levels dictionaries and "Singular Value Decomposition techniques” (SVD). Compared to standard SVD, our system uses an iterative method that enables dynamic interaction between events and the current dictionaries with its entries being updated continuously to reflect relative importance of each event, thereby accelerating its convergence. The system captures knowledge in a hierarchical form for complex knowledge representation. It does not require a formal knowledge model or intensive training by examples. It is efficient with sufficient accuracy for autonomic problem determination.
Hoi Chan, Thomas Kwok
Added 02 Jun 2010
Updated 02 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICAC
Authors Hoi Chan, Thomas Kwok
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