

Adaptive Rate Control with Dynamic FEC for Real-Time DV Streaming

14 years 8 months ago
Adaptive Rate Control with Dynamic FEC for Real-Time DV Streaming
—For higher streaming quality, a data sender adjusts the data transmission rate according to the network condition between the sender and receiver. The sender and the receiver exchange information about the network condition to decide the appropriate transmission rate. However, monitoring each data flow in real time is difficult, and controlling the sender to adjust the best quality for each receiver in a heterogeneous environment is a real challenge. In this paper, we study packet loss patterns and FEC recovery rate upon data transmission in a congested network, and define an adaptive rate control mechanism that dynamically adjusts the transmission rate and the FEC encoding rate. We then show our adaptive DV Transmission System (DVTS) that supports appropriate rate control for provisioning multimedia streaming with the best possible quality, and evaluate the system on top of our testbed network.
Kazuhisa Matsuzono, Kazunori Sugiura, Hitoshi Asae
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Kazuhisa Matsuzono, Kazunori Sugiura, Hitoshi Asaeda
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