Energy-efficient microprocessor designs are one of the major concerns in both high performance and embedded processor domains. Furthermore, as process technology advances toward deep submicron, static power dissipation becomes a new challenge to address, especially for large on-chip array structures such as caches or prediction tables. Value prediction emerged in the recent past as a very effective way of increasing processor performance by overcoming data dependences. The more accurate the value predictor is the more performance is obtained, at the expense of becoming a source of power consumption and a thermal hot spot, and therefore increasing its leakage. Recent techniques, aimed at reducing the leakage power of array structures such as caches, either switch off (non-state preserving) or reduce the voltage level (statepreserving) of unused array portions. In this paper we propose the design of leakage-efficient value predictors by applying adaptive decay techniques in order to dis...
Juan M. Cebrian, Juan L. Aragón, José